Canadian Journal of African Studies

Canadian Journal of African Studies/Revue canadienne des études africaines  
Abbreviated title (ISO) None
Discipline African studies
Language English and French
Publication details
Publisher Canadian Association of African Studies (Canada)
Publication history Established 1967
Frequency 3 Issues per year
ISSN 0008-3968
LCCN 2002-227236
OCLC number 51205190

The Canadian Journal of African Studies (CJAS)/Revue canadienne des études africaines (RCEA) is published three times a year by the Canadian Association of African Studies (CAAS)/Association canadienne des études africaines (ACEA).[1] CJAS/RCEA is a bilingual (English and French) peer reviewed academic journal established in 1967.[2] On the journal's English language website, CAAS/ACEA states that the journal's purpose is "to promote the study of Africa in Canada and to provide the necessary scholarly infrastructure to support Canadian Africanist scholars working in and across disciplines. Through CJAS and its annual conference, CAAS is also committed to facilitating the dissemination of research by African scholars working in Canada, Africa, and elsewhere. As the official publication of CAAS, CJAS advances the organizational goals to improve knowledge and awareness of Africa as well as the problems and aspirations of its people, to inform Canadian policy on and in Africa, and to generate public interest in the study and understanding of Africa in Canada."[3]

CJAS/RCEA is a multidisciplinary journal publishing articles in the areas of anthropology, political economy, history, geography, and development. Some of the articles also take an interdisciplinary approach. In addition to "Research Articles", the journal includes a section called "Debate and Commentary/débat et commentaire" that presents divergent viewpoints on current issues. Another section called “Research Note/note de recherche" permits contributors to discuss the latest writing, opinion, and research sources on African issues. A book review and review essay section provides critiques of recent books and reports on Africa in general and on individual countries.

In 2009, CJAS/RCEA moved to an online format (in addition to its print edition) using the Open Journal Systems at the University of Alberta Library in Edmonton, AB.[4] Back issues are housed online by JSTOR.
